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Welcome to NANDA Diagnoses , this website has been created to make it easier for nurses to search for nursing diagnoses with their respective NIC and NOC . You will be able to carry out your clinical cases and PAE . You can also download each of the NANDA nursing diagnoses plus some examples, all in pdf format. We have updated each of the tags based on the NANDA 2018 2020 book, below you will find a list with all the labels mentioned in the NANDA NIC NOC .


▶ 00001 Nutritional imbalance due to excess
▶ 00002 Imbalanced nutrition
▶ 00003 Risk of nutritional imbalance due to excess
▶ 00004 Risk for infection
▶ 00005 Risk for imbalanced body temperature
▶ 00006 Hypothermia
▶ 00007 Hyperthermia
▶ 00008 Ineffective thermoregulation
▶ 00009 Autonomic dysreflexia
▶ 00010 Risk for autonomic dysreflexia
▶ 00011 Constipation
▶ 00012 Perceived constipation
▶ 00013 Diarrhea
▶ 00014 Bowel incontinence
▶ 00015 Risk for constipation
▶ 00016 Impaired urinary elimination
▶ 00017 Stress urinary incontinence
▶ 00018 Reflex urinary incontinence
▶ 00019 Urge urinary incontinence
▶ 00020 Functional urinary incontinence
▶ 00021 Total urinary incontinence
▶ 00022 Risk for urge urinary incontinence
▶ 00023 Urinary retention
▶ 00024 Ineffective tissue perfusion
▶ 00025 Risk for imbalanced fluid volume
▶ 00026 Excess fluid volume
▶ 00027 Deficient fluid volume
▶ 00028 Risk for deficient fluid volume
▶ 00029 Decreased cardiac output
▶ 00030 Impaired gas exchange
▶ 00031 Ineffective airway clearance
▶ 00032 Ineffective breathing pattern
▶ 00033 Impaired spontaneous ventilation
▶ 00034 Dysfunctional ventilatory weaning response
▶ 00035 Risk for injury
▶ 00036 Risk for suffocation
▶ 00037 Risk for poisoning
▶ 00038 Risk for physical trauma
▶ 00039 Risk for aspiration
▶ 00040 Risk for disuse syndrome
▶ 00041 Latex allergy reaction
▶ 00042 Risk for latex allergy reaction
▶ 00043 Ineffective protection
▶ 00044 Impaired tissue integrity
▶ 00045 Impaired oral mucous membrane integrity
▶ 00046 Impaired skin integrity
▶ 00047 Risk for impaired skin integrity
▶ 00048 Impaired dentition
▶ 00049 Decreased intracranial adaptive capacity
▶ 00050 Energy field disturbance
▶ 00051 Impaired verbal communication
▶ 00052 Impaired social interaction
▶ 00053 Social isolation
▶ 00054 Risk for loneliness
▶ 00055 Ineffective role performance
▶ 00056 Impaired parenting
▶ 00057 Risk for impaired parenting
▶ 00058 Risk for impaired attachment
▶ 00059 Sexual dysfunction
▶ 00060 Interrupted family processes
▶ 00061 Caregiver role strain
▶ 00062 Risk for caregiver role strain
▶ 00063 Dysfunctional family processes
▶ 00064 Parental role conflict
▶ 00065 Ineffective sexuality pattern
▶ 00066 Spiritual distress
▶ 00067 Risk for spiritual distress
▶ 00068 Readiness for enhanced spiritual well-being
▶ 00069 Ineffective coping
▶ 00070 Impaired adaptation
▶ 00071 Defensive coping
▶ 00072 Ineffective denial
▶ 00073 Disabled family coping
▶ 00074 Compromised family coping
▶ 00075 Readiness for enhanced family coping
▶ 00076 Readiness for enhanced community coping
▶ 00077 Ineffective community coping
▶ 00078 Ineffective health management
▶ 00079 Breach of treatment (specify)
▶ 00080 Ineffective family health management
▶ 00081 Ineffective management of the community therapeutic regimen
▶ 00082 Effective management of the therapeutic regimen
▶ 00083 Decisional conflict
▶ 00084 Health-generating behaviors (specify)
▶ 00085 Impaired physical mobility
▶ 00086 Risk for peripheral neurovascular dysfunction
▶ 00087 Risk for perioperative positioning injury
▶ 00088 Impaired walking
▶ 00089 Impaired wheelchair mobility
▶ 00090 Impaired transfer ability
▶ 00091 Impaired bed mobility
▶ 00092 Activity intolerance
▶ 00093 Fatigue
▶ 00094 Risk for activity intolerance
▶ 00095 Insomnia
▶ 00096 Sleep deprivation
▶ 00097 Decreased diversional activity engagement
▶ 00098 Impaired home maintenance
▶ 00099 Ineffective health maintenance
▶ 00100 Delayed surgical recovery
▶ 00101 Inability of the adult to maintain its development
▶ 00102 Feeding self-care deficit
▶ 00103 Impaired swallowing
▶ 00104 Ineffective breastfeeding
▶ 00105 Interrupted breastfeeding
▶ 00106 Readiness for enhanced breastfeeding
▶ 00107 Ineffective infant feeding pattern
▶ 00108 Bathing self-care deficit
▶ 00109 Dressing self-care deficit
▶ 00110 Toileting self-care deficit
▶ 00111 Delayed growth and development
▶ 00112 Risk for delayed development
▶ 00113 Disproportionate growth risk
▶ 00114 Relocation stress syndrome
▶ 00115 Risk for disorganized infant behavior
▶ 00116 Disorganized infant behavior
▶ 00117 Readiness for enhanced organized infant behavior
▶ 00118 Disturbed body image
▶ 00119 Chronic low self-esteem
▶ 00120 Situational low self-esteem
▶ 00121 Disturbed personal identity
▶ 00122 Sensory perception disturbance
▶ 00123 Unilateral neglect
▶ 00124 Hopelessness
▶ 00125 Power lessness
▶ 00126 Deficient knowledge
▶ 00127 Syndrome of deterioration in the interpretation of the environment
▶ 00128 Acute confusion
▶ 00129 Chronic confusion
▶ 00130 Thought process disorder
▶ 00131 Impaired memory
▶ 00132 Acute pain
▶ 00133 Chronic pain
▶ 00134 Nausea
▶ 00135 Complicated grieving
▶ 00136 Grieving
▶ 00137 Chronic sorrow
▶ 00138 Risk for other-directed violence
▶ 00139 Risk for self-mutilation
▶ 00140 Risk for self-directed violence
▶ 00141 Post-trauma syndrome
▶ 00142 Rape-trauma syndrome
▶ 00143 Traumatic rape syndrome: compound reaction
▶ 00144 Traumatic rape syndrome: silent reaction
▶ 00145 Risk for post-trauma syndrome
▶ 00146 Anxiety
▶ 00147 Death anxiety
▶ 00148 Fear
▶ 00149 Risk for relocation stress syndrome
▶ 00150 Risk for suicide
▶ 00151 Self-mutilation
▶ 00152 Risk for power lessness
▶ 00153 Risk for situational low self-esteem
▶ 00154 Wandering
▶ 00155 Risk for falls
▶ 00156 Risk for sudden infant death
▶ 00157 Readiness for enhanced communication
▶ 00158 Readiness for enhanced coping
▶ 00159 Readiness for enhanced family processes
▶ 00160 Willingness to improve fluid volume balance
▶ 00161 Readiness for enhanced knowledge
▶ 00162 Readiness for enhanced health management
▶ 00163 Readiness for enhanced nutrition
▶ 00164 Readiness for enhanced parenting
▶ 00165 Readiness for enhanced sleep
▶ 00166 Willingness to improve urinary elimination
▶ 00167 Readiness for enhanced self-concept
▶ 00168 Sedentary lifestyle
▶ 00169 Impaired religiosity
▶ 00170 Risk for impaired religiosity
▶ 00171 Readiness for enhanced religiosity
▶ 00172 Risk for complicated grieving
▶ 00173 Risk for acute confusion
▶ 00174 Risk for compromised human dignity
▶ 00175 Moral distress
▶ 00176 Overflow urinary incontinence
▶ 00177 Stress overload
▶ 00178 Risk for impaired liver function
▶ 00179 Risk for unstable blood glucose level
▶ 00180 Risk for contamination
▶ 00181 Contamination
▶ 00182 Readiness for enhanced self-care
▶ 00183 Readiness for enhanced comfort
▶ 00184 Readiness for enhanced decision-making
▶ 00185 Readiness for enhanced hope
▶ 00186 Willingness to improve immunization status
▶ 00187 Readiness for enhanced power
▶ 00188 Risk-prone health behavior
▶ 00193 Self-neglect
▶ 00194 Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia
▶ 00195 Risk for electrolyte imbalance
▶ 00196 Dysfunctional gastrointestinal motility
▶ 00197 Risk for dysfunctional gastrointestinal motility
▶ 00198 Disturbed sleep pattern
▶ 00199 Ineffective activity planning
▶ 00200 Ineffective activity planning
▶ 00201 Risk of ineffective brain perfusion
▶ 00202 Risk for ineffective gastrointestinal perfusion
▶ 00203 Risk for ineffective renal perfusion
▶ 00204 Ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion
▶ 00205 Risk for shock
▶ 00206 Risk for bleeding
▶ 00207 Readiness for enhanced relationship
▶ 00208 Readiness for enhanced childbearing process
▶ 00209 Risk for disturbed maternal-fetal dyad
▶ 00210 Impaired resilience
▶ 00211 Risk for impaired resilience
▶ 00212 Readiness for enhanced resilience
▶ 00213 Risk for vascular trauma
▶ 00214 Impaired comfort

What is a nursing diagnosis?

It can be started from the general definition of the term diagnose, understood as the collection and analysis of data in order to evaluate problems of various kinds. If we take this definition to the nursing profession, we can reach the conclusion that it consists of identifying the characteristics of altered human responses to a health problem.

The most current and complete definition corresponds to the one given by the international NANDA : the nursing diagnosis is the clinical judgment that nurses formulate about the responses of the individual, the family, or the community to the vital conditions or processes. In accordance with this judgment, the nurse will be responsible for monitoring the patient's responses, for making decisions that will culminate in a care plan and for the implementation of interventions including interdisciplinary collaboration and referral. of the patient if necessary.

Nursing diagnoses focus on the problems derived from human responses that occur after a particular health alteration, this means that it is necessary to assess each individual independently since the fact that two different patients suffer from the same clinical situation can cause different answers.

Human responses are the acts of adaptation that occur in a person to a specific clinical situation, taking into account this concept, it can be said that the object of nursing and its diagnoses is not the disease but the patient's response to that disease .

Nursing diagnoses describe the responses of patients to clinical situations that can be treated or addressed by nurses.

The diagnosis is always the consequence of the assessment process and is the sum of already confirmed data and the knowledge and identification of needs or problems.

The diagnoses are organized into classification systems or diagnostic taxonomies.

Although we consider the NANDA ( Nort American Nursing Diagnosis Association ) taxonomy to be the most widely accepted, there are other taxonomies:

OMAHA: quite useful for community nurses.
CAMPBELL: contains nursing diagnoses, medical diagnoses and dual diagnoses.

For nursing professionals, the use of the NANDA taxonomy is essential in the regular practice of their profession.

Advantages of using tags

Among the advantages of using the NANDA Taxonomy are:

– The use of a common language, this facilitates communication with the patient and allows to deliver a better diagnosis.
– The implementation of the PAE (Nursing Care Process) as a working method.
– The dynamic participation within the different health teams.

The structuring of our activity following a scientific method , must represent for the Nursing Profession the definition of our own Area of ​​Responsibility with the increase of the motivation and prestige of the professionals themselves.

Diagnostic definition

There are several definitions of Nursing Diagnoses among which are:
"Nursing diagnoses are clinical diagnoses made by nursing professionals, they describe real or potential health problems that nurses by virtue of their education and experience are capable of treating and are authorized to do so. This definition therefore excludes health problems for which the accepted form of therapy is the prescription of drugs, surgery, radiation and other treatments that are legally defined as the practice of medicine ".

"The nursing diagnosis is a clinical judgment about the individual, family or community that derives from a deliberate systematic process of data collection and analysis. It provides the basis of prescriptions for definitive therapy, for which the nurse is responsible ". (NANDA 1990)

Real Nurse Diagnosis

A "Real Nurse Diagnosis" , describes real health problems of the patient, and is always validated by signs and symptoms.

The Real Diagnosis is composed of three parts:

– Health problems
– Etiological or related factors
– Defining characteristics

Diagnosis of Health Promotion

The "Diagnosis of Health Promotion" , is the critical judgment that the nurse makes about the motivation of the patient, family or community to increase their health status and values ​​their involvement in health care, these diagnoses are formulated in the labels as "Disposition for" , and to validate this diagnosis we rely on the defining characteristics.

Diagnosis of Well-being

The "Diagnosis of Well-being" is a critical judgment made by the nurse in situations or health problems that are well controlled, but that the patient verbally expresses that he wants to improve, he must to base the nurse on what the patient expresses rather than on the observation itself.

Potential nursing diagnosis

The "Potential nursing diagnosis" or risk, describes human responses to the processes that the patient, family or community may present.
A Potential Diagnosis is made up of two parts:
– Health problems
– Risk factor's

Diagnosis of Syndrome

The "Diagnosis of Syndrome" , describes specific and complex situations.

These diagnoses are made up of a group of various real and potential diagnoses and have the characteristic that they always occur together.

Although a diagnosis of Syndrome includes potential and real diagnoses, this does not exclude that our patient presents other diagnoses.

Composition of a nursing diagnosis

Diagnostic Label: It is the name of the diagnosis that we use, it is a concrete and concise name and should not be modified since it is supported by references and bibliographic reviews.

Definition: It is the description of the diagnosis. It reinforces and clarifies the meaning of the diagnostic label and is also supported and validated in bibliographic references.

Related factors: These are the elements that are known to be associated with a specific health problem. They can be described as "antecedents to, associated with, related to, contributors to, and / or adjuncts to the diagnosis" .

Only real nursing diagnoses have related factors.

Risk factors: They are physical, genetic, physiological, etc. that increase the possibility that a problem will appear to the individual, family or community. It is suspected that it may be the cause or contribute to the appearance of a health problem.

Defining characteristics: They are observable and measurable references that are grouped as signs and symptoms of a real problem and that define and represent a health diagnosis.

Diagnostic code: It is a five-digit number assigned to each diagnosis and that identifies it.

Posted by: dekors03.blogspot.com

Source: https://www.nandadiagnoses.com/